5 New Inventions That Made Our Lives Easier In 2020

The development of telecommunications began when Samuel Morse invented the electric telegraph in 1836. With Morse’s code, over-the-wire communication began to flourish. However, since it was very complex to communicate like this and build large wire infrastructures – the telegraph had to be upgraded. Signal transmission wirelessly using electromagnetic waves – was a concept worked on by many famous scientists around the world. Nikola Tesla was one among them who managed to emit a signal wirelessly during the 20th century. Even though Tesla worked on it – the credit went to Marconi, who won the Nobel Prize. Marconi has been accused by many scientists, including Tesla, of stealing Tesla’s idea. Unfortunately, InventHelp Inventions at that time the inventors considered the protection of their patents less important – so they didn’t take patenting to a sufficiently serious level.


Fortunately, today, with the help of specialized agencies, inventors do not have this problem. According to inventhelp.com, today inventors can not only work to protect their patents and copyrights – but with the help of experts in these fields, they can also reach out to investors, develop a marketing strategy, and finally place them on the market. This is important because the goal of every invention is to get its wide application and use. However, in the past, scientists like Tesla did not consider this crucial, and that is why such situations often occurred. Yet, today we know that thanks to the broadcast of the wireless signal – engineers have managed to broadcast images to perfection. Radio and television are a turning point in the development of technology – and we know Tesla has left a big mark in this area.


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